Adulators Space Marines: the project begins

Space Marines are my favourite  army from Games Workshop. It doesn’t even matter if they are loyalist or traitor; if it’s 9ft tall and wears power armour then I love it. There’s many reasons why I love them so. They have the most extensive lore of any race in the game, stretching over millennia. The range of models is enormous, and offers so much in terms of converting and kit bashing. They have even made the leap to video games.

So for this particular project I have decided to go with a loyalist chapter. The reason being that they are more varied, in terms of model and background. I have had several other loyalist marine armies including Dark Angels, Raven Guard, Grey Knights, and my own chapter, the Sons Of Anubis. I have loved every one of those armies and still add to my Sons of Anubis from time to time. But then the hobby itch got me and I wanted to start another chapter.

Blood Angels had always appealed to me. They are the epitome of the Emperor’s Angels of Death. I love that they bring the fight to the enemy, and despite their angelic appearance they are still flawed. However I know quite a few Blood Angels players and I don’t like to step on people’s toes too much. I decided then that I would use the rules for Blood Angels but for my own chapter.

One of the great things about space marines is that they encourage a lot of creativity. The ability to create your own chapter and apply existing rules to them from one of the existing codices is very appealing. I fell to this a few years ago and made my Sons of Anubis; a run-of-the mill marines army.

a poor picture of my sons of anubis

This time I would use the Blood Angels rules rather than “vanilla”. I searched for a list of existing space marine chapters to give me an idea of names. One of the first on the list was the Adulators. Nothing existed for them: no paint scheme, no back ground, nothing. So I decided I would take them and make them my own.

First I needed a paint scheme. I had always wanted to paint an army in white simply to challenge myself, and red contrasts well with white. A bright red rather than a dark red, plus white and gold, symbolised that they were loyalist. After a bit of time messing with an app, I settled on this as the basic scheme:

Adulator Space Marine scheme
Adulator space marine test model

After painting a test model using spare bits, I felt ready to begin the project: an army of Adulators Space Marines!

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